Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2015)                   2015, 4(13): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Zolfaghari R, Karimi Haji Pomagh K, Zamani S M, Fayyaz P. Adaptation of Western Oak Seedlings to Yasuj Climate and Analysis of their Leaf Morphology. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology 2015; 4 (13) :1-14
URL: http://ijae.iut.ac.ir/article-1-688-en.html
College of Agric., Yasouj Univ., Yasouj, Iran.
Abstract:   (10307 Views)

Analysis of performance and survival rate of different oak species in severe climate of Zagros forests especially under global warming can help with management, conservation and restoration of these species. So, seeds of three oak species of Zagros (Quercus branti, Q. infectoria and Q. libani) were collected from Baneh forests and sown in the common gardens of Yasuj. Then, their growth parameters such as collar diameter, height, trunk volume, height and collar increment, number of leaf and survival rate were measured and recorded during the growing season (June and October) for the first two years. Also, in order to find a relationship between these traits and leaf morphological and qualitative traits of seedlings, some parameters like leaf area, specific leaf area, number of sprout and branch, bending of seedlings were measured and recorded. Results showed that at early growth age, seedlings of Q. branti and Q. infectoria had the largest and smallest size, respectively. Also, Q. libani seedlings showed a lower survival rate in the second year than other studied species due to the larger seeds. Results of correlation showed that seedlings with larger leaf area, higher number of branch and less straightness had higher growth and survival rate. It can be concluded that Q. infectoria is more susceptive to the increasing period and intensity of drought than other oaks of Zagros species.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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