Zolfaghari G, Mazloumpanah M, Jumapour M. Ecological Risk Assessment of Chromium and Nickel in Soil Along the Shadmehr-Gonabad Road in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology 2024; 13 (1) :61-78
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Abstract: (663 Views)
Pollution caused by traffic is the result of incomplete combustion, wear of pads, and erosion of road surfaces. The purpose of this research was to determine the concentration of nickel and chromium in soil along the road of Shadmehr-Gonabad, in Khorasan Razavi, to evaluate the soil quality and effect of traffic on the concentration of elements. The results showed that the highest concentration of chromium and nickel in Faiz Abad station was 212.75 and 194 mg/kg in autumn and 143.25 and 159.25 mg/kg in winter, respectively. According to the results of the Potential Ecological Risk Index and the Risk Index, the biological toxicity of the elements was in the low-risk class. ANOVA and Pearson's analysis tests indicated the correlation between chromium and nickel with the distance from the road inversely and significantly (p< 0.05). The results of counting the cars using video showed that the number of passing cars at Shadmehr police station was more than the other stations. The average concentration of chromium (74.41 mg/kg) and nickel (73.79 mg/kg) were higher than the global soil average and the average soil of Khorasan Razavi. This research showed that high pollution is due to the simultaneous effect of traffic and geological origin.
Type of Study:
Research |