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Investigation of Different Forest Type’s Structure with Applying Nearest Neighbor Indices (Case Study: Gorazon District, Kheyrud Forest) (19069 Downloads)
Assessment of Different Methods of Form Factor Determination for Volume Estimation of Planted Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum Trees (Klodeh Region– Mazandaran Province) (11873 Downloads)
Preparing Botanic Formation Map based on Ecological-botanic Studies (Case Study: Isfahan Province) (10808 Downloads)
Investigating the Land Cover Changes in Mazandaran Province Using Landscape Ecology’s Metrics Between 1984 - 2010 (10283 Downloads)
Investigation of the Pasture Vegetation Changes Using Satellite Data in Semirom, Isfahan (9527 Downloads)
Relationship between Ecological Species Groups and Environmental Factors (Case Study: Vezg Region in Southeast of Yasouj) (9498 Downloads)
Estimating Rangeland Vegetation Frequency & Density Using Low-altitude Aerial Photographs (7908 Downloads)
Modeling the Propagation of Noise Pollution from Isfahan’s West Ringway in Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using SPreAD-GIS (7790 Downloads)
Relationship Between Plant Biodiversity and Topographical Factors in Forests of West Mazandaran (Case study: Research forest of Tarbiat Modares University) (7475 Downloads)
Concentration in Changes of CO2 and CH4 Greenhouse Gases Relation to Environmental Variable in Iran (7254 Downloads)
Comparison of Geostatistical Methods to Determine the Best Bioclimatic Data Interpolation Method for Modelling Species Distribution in Central Iran (6987 Downloads)
Agrobiodiversity of Vegetable Crops in Agroecosystems in Iran (6944 Downloads)
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts for Rice Agroecosystems using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (6813 Downloads)
Use of the Geographic Information System and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Najafabad, Iran (6530 Downloads)
Species Diversity and Identification of Plant Functional Types of Woodland in Shimbar Protected Area, Khuzestan Provience (6177 Downloads)
The Short Term Effects of Fire Severity on Composition and Diversity of Soil Seed Bank in Zagros Forest Ecosystem, Servan County (6142 Downloads)
Modeling and Risk Mapping of Forest Fires using Remote Sensing and GIS (Case Study: Baghe-Shadi Protected Area, Yazd Province) (6093 Downloads)
Predicting the Occurrence of Natural Fires in Forests and Ranges using Artificial Neural Networks (Case Study: Zagros Region, Izeh Township) (5980 Downloads)
Relationship between Soil Macro fauna Biodiversity and Trees and Shrubs in Riparian Forest of Maroon River in Khuzestan Province (5787 Downloads)
Investigating the Effects of Hanna Dam Construction on Long-Term Land Use/ Cover Changes (5781 Downloads)
Distribution and Abundance of Phytoplankton in Helleh River Estuary (Persian Gulf-Iran) (5563 Downloads)
Ecological Impact Assessment of Isfahan’s West Ringway on Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) (5412 Downloads)
Estimating Recreational Carrying Capacity of Gheisary Protected Area in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari Province (5369 Downloads)
Dust Detection and Mapping in Kermanshah Province Using MODIS Satellite Imagery (5271 Downloads)
A Comparison of Simulated Annealing (SA) and Multi Objective Land Allocation (MOLA) for Solving the Problem of Multi-Objective Land Allocation (5215 Downloads)
Evaluating Structural and Functional Characteristics of Various Ecological Patches in Different Range Conditions (Case Study: Semi -Steppe Rangeland of Aghche-Isfahan) (5197 Downloads)
The winter and spring habitat suitability of black woodpecker (Dryocopusmartius) in ShastKalateh (5175 Downloads)
Predicting the Distribution of Asiatic Cheetah, Persian Leopard and Brown Bear in Response to EnvironmentalFactors in Isfahan Province (5166 Downloads)
Comparison of Heavy Metal Concentration in Bidekhun, Basatin and Melgonze Mangrove Forests (5019 Downloads)
Application of Logistic Regression Tree Model in Determining Habitat Distribution of Astragalus verus (4991 Downloads)
Relationships between Vegetation and Ecological variablesin Palangan Habitat, Aghdagh Protected Area of Ardabil Province (4987 Downloads)
Ecological assessment of the Tajan river using feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates and biotic indices (4973 Downloads)
Species Diversity of Laelapid Soil Mites (Acari: Laelapidae) Under Different Land Use Types in Saman and Shahrekord (4926 Downloads)
Quantifying Landscape Spatial Pattern Changes in the Caucasian Black Grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) Habitat in Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve (4820 Downloads)
Studing the Acclimation of Bromus Tomentellus in Esfahan Province (4682 Downloads)
Species Distribution Modeling of Wild Sheep based on Improving Bias of Occurrence Records and Selecting Appropriate Environmental Predictors using Maxent (4671 Downloads)
Effect of Air Pollution on Leaf Heavy Metals Concentrations (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) of Box Elder (Acer negundo) and Oriental Plane (Platanus orientalis) (Case Study: Urmia City) (4655 Downloads)
Climatic Characteristics of the Natural Habitats of Astragalus gossypinus Fisher in Isfahan Province (4645 Downloads)
Impacts of Karkheh Dam on Spatial Pattern of Riparian Zones in Karkheh National Park (4639 Downloads)
Estimation the recreational value of Najvan park of Isfahan using a contingent valuation method (4613 Downloads)
Comparison of Fuzzy AHP Buckley and ANP Models in Forestry Capability Evaluation (Case Study: Behbahan City Fringe) (4599 Downloads)
The Impacts of Clay and Gypsum Mining on Vegetation and Soil Conditions in Arid Ecosystems (Case Study: Segzi-Isfahan) (4543 Downloads)
The Effect of Changing the Harvesting Method on the Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Sugarcane Cultivars (4470 Downloads)
Residents' Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) for Preservation of Valasht Lake of Chalous City by Using One-and-One-Half-Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method (4450 Downloads)
Changes in the Distribution of Plant Species in the Ecological Niche in Various Stages of Succession (4427 Downloads)
Surveying of Iranian Model of Desertification Potential Assessment (4390 Downloads)
Effect of Conservation on Spatial Pattern of Dominant Trees in Beech (Fagus Orientalis Lipsky) Communities, (Case Study: Masal, Guilan) (4276 Downloads)
Modeling the spatial distribution of wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) attacks on human using genetic algorithm (GARP) in Hamedan province (4109 Downloads)
Effects of Different Grazing Management Methods on Plant Species Diversity and Richness in the Steppe Rangeland of Saveh, Iran (4099 Downloads)
The Relationships between Different Plant Communities and Environmental Factors in Gonbad Watershed, Hamadan (4055 Downloads)
Total Sum: 903787

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