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A Phenological Study on Zygophyllum atriplicoides in Mouteh, Isfahan Province (117141 Views)
Application of Multivariate Statistical Techniques to Assess Seasonal Variation in Water Quality Parameters in Gorganrood Watershed, Iran (33873 Views)
The winter and spring habitat suitability of black woodpecker (Dryocopusmartius) in ShastKalateh (25658 Views)
Investigation of urban growth impacts on suitability of conservational patches using a landscape ecological approach (Study Area: Korganroud Watershed) (25573 Views)
The influence of wood land size and shape on bird Species richness and diversity in Karkas protected area (24999 Views)
Ecological assessment of the Tajan river using feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates and biotic indices (24177 Views)
Estimation the recreational value of Najvan park of Isfahan using a contingent valuation method (23456 Views)
Comparing soil aggregate stability at different grazing intensities (case study: Bardasiab rangeland, Fereidounshahr) (23037 Views)
Modeling the spatial distribution of wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) attacks on human using genetic algorithm (GARP) in Hamedan province (22879 Views)
Application of Logistic Regression Tree Model in Determining Habitat Distribution of Astragalus verus (22675 Views)
Predicting the Occurrence of Natural Fires in Forests and Ranges using Artificial Neural Networks (Case Study: Zagros Region, Izeh Township) (21744 Views)
Investigation on Habitat Preferences and Group Sizes of Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) in Dareh-Anjeer Wildlife Refuge, Yazd province (19689 Views)
Ecological Impact Assessment of Isfahan’s West Ringway on Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) (19573 Views)
Relationship between Ecological Species Groups and Environmental Factors (Case Study: Vezg Region in Southeast of Yasouj) (18936 Views)
Modeling the Propagation of Noise Pollution from Isfahan’s West Ringway in Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using SPreAD-GIS (16331 Views)
Investigation of Different Forest Type’s Structure with Applying Nearest Neighbor Indices (Case Study: Gorazon District, Kheyrud Forest) (15930 Views)
Investigating the Land Cover Changes in Mazandaran Province Using Landscape Ecology’s Metrics Between 1984 - 2010 (15505 Views)
Comparison of Heavy Metal Concentration in Bidekhun, Basatin and Melgonze Mangrove Forests (15310 Views)
Impacts of Karkheh Dam on Spatial Pattern of Riparian Zones in Karkheh National Park (15142 Views)
Seed Dispersal by Domestic Herbivores in Rangeland Ecosystems of the Central Zagros Region (14788 Views)
Surveying of Iranian Model of Desertification Potential Assessment (14614 Views)
Estimating Recreational Carrying Capacity of Gheisary Protected Area in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari Province (14532 Views)
Determination of the Sites with Conservation Priority in Research Forests of Yasouj University Based on Physiographic Factors (14381 Views)
Spatial Pattern Determination of Biodiversity Threats at Landscape Level (Case Study: Golestan Province) (14291 Views)
Predicting the Spatial Growth and Urban Sprawl in Sari, Iran Using Markov Cellular Automata Model and Shannon Entropy (13473 Views)
Agrobiodiversity of Vegetable Crops in Agroecosystems in Iran (13461 Views)
Applying Circuitscape Theory to Identify Migration Corridors Between Mooteh and Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuges in Isfahan Province-Iran (12968 Views)
Studing the Acclimation of Bromus Tomentellus in Esfahan Province (12944 Views)
Effects of Substrate Type on Benthic Diatom Assemblages of a Masooleh Rud River – Guilan (12877 Views)
Investigating the Effects of Hanna Dam Construction on Long-Term Land Use/ Cover Changes (12845 Views)
Abundance Estimation and Habitat associations of Persian wild ass in Qatruyieh National Park (12829 Views)
Predicting the Distribution of Asiatic Cheetah, Persian Leopard and Brown Bear in Response to EnvironmentalFactors in Isfahan Province (12662 Views)
Comparison of Fuzzy AHP Buckley and ANP Models in Forestry Capability Evaluation (Case Study: Behbahan City Fringe) (12636 Views)
Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the Central Part of Isfahan (Iran) Using Landscape Metrics (12595 Views)
Comparison of Geostatistical Methods to Determine the Best Bioclimatic Data Interpolation Method for Modelling Species Distribution in Central Iran (12421 Views)
Distribution, Abundance and Biodiversity of Phytoplankton from Hanna Dam Lake, Isfahan, Iran (12339 Views)
Quantifying Landscape Spatial Pattern Changes in the Caucasian Black Grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) Habitat in Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve (12086 Views)
Residents' Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) for Preservation of Valasht Lake of Chalous City by Using One-and-One-Half-Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method (12049 Views)
Modeling of Iranian Cheetah Habitat using Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (Case Study: Dare Anjir Wildlife Refuge) (11864 Views)
Optimum Size of Range Management Units for Sustainable Utilization of the River Basin Rangeland in Margha, Izeh (11792 Views)
Relationship Between Plant Biodiversity and Topographical Factors in Forests of West Mazandaran (Case study: Research forest of Tarbiat Modares University) (11724 Views)
Potential Habitat Modelling of Ferula ovina Using Artificial Neural Network in Fereydunshahr Region, Isfahan Province (11678 Views)
Variation of Soil Organic Carbon Pool Weight Associated with Plant Biodiversity (Case Study: Mixed-Beech Forests of Glandrood in Nour) (11668 Views)
Effects of Different Grazing Management Methods on Plant Species Diversity and Richness in the Steppe Rangeland of Saveh, Iran (11644 Views)
Effects of Some Ecological Factors on Seed and Germination Characteristics of Cupressus Sempervirens L. Var. Horizontalis: A Case Study in Tange Soulak Forest Reserve, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran (11617 Views)
Network Analysis and Key Actors Toward Wildlife Management (Case Study: Habitat of Caucasian Black Grouse, Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve) (11561 Views)
Assessment of Vegetation Density and Soil Macrofauna Relationship in Riparian Forest of Karkhe River for the Determination of Rivers Buffer Zone (11533 Views)
Effects of Physicochemical Properties of Water on Distribution of Coral Reefs in Kish Island, Iran (11527 Views)
Non-point Source Pollution Modeling Using Geographic Information System (GIS) for Representing Best Management Practices (BMP) in the Gorganrood Watershed (11389 Views)
Use of the Geographic Information System and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Najafabad, Iran (11323 Views)
Total Sum: 2558583

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