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A Phenological Study on Zygophyllum atriplicoides in Mouteh, Isfahan Province (117141 Views) |
Application of Multivariate Statistical Techniques to Assess Seasonal Variation in Water Quality Parameters in Gorganrood Watershed, Iran (33873 Views) |
The winter and spring habitat suitability of black woodpecker (Dryocopusmartius) in ShastKalateh (25658 Views) |
Investigation of urban growth impacts on suitability of conservational patches using a landscape ecological approach (Study Area: Korganroud Watershed) (25573 Views) |
The influence of wood land size and shape on bird Species richness and diversity in Karkas protected area (24999 Views) |
Ecological assessment of the Tajan river using feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates and biotic indices (24177 Views) |
Estimation the recreational value of Najvan park of Isfahan using a contingent valuation method (23456 Views) |
Comparing soil aggregate stability at different grazing intensities (case study: Bardasiab rangeland, Fereidounshahr) (23037 Views) |
Modeling the spatial distribution of wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) attacks on human using genetic algorithm (GARP) in Hamedan province (22879 Views) |
Application of Logistic Regression Tree Model in Determining Habitat Distribution of Astragalus verus (22675 Views) |
Predicting the Occurrence of Natural Fires in Forests and Ranges using Artificial Neural Networks (Case Study: Zagros Region, Izeh Township) (21744 Views) |
Investigation on Habitat Preferences and Group Sizes of Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) in Dareh-Anjeer Wildlife Refuge, Yazd province (19689 Views) |
Ecological Impact Assessment of Isfahan’s West Ringway on Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) (19573 Views) |
Relationship between Ecological Species Groups and Environmental Factors (Case Study: Vezg Region in Southeast of Yasouj) (18936 Views) |
Modeling the Propagation of Noise Pollution from Isfahan’s West Ringway in Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Using SPreAD-GIS (16331 Views) |
Investigation of Different Forest Type’s Structure with Applying Nearest Neighbor Indices (Case Study: Gorazon District, Kheyrud Forest) (15930 Views) |
Investigating the Land Cover Changes in Mazandaran Province Using Landscape Ecology’s Metrics Between 1984 - 2010 (15505 Views) |
Comparison of Heavy Metal Concentration in Bidekhun, Basatin and Melgonze Mangrove Forests (15310 Views) |
Impacts of Karkheh Dam on Spatial Pattern of Riparian Zones in Karkheh National Park (15142 Views) |
Seed Dispersal by Domestic Herbivores in Rangeland Ecosystems of the Central Zagros Region (14788 Views) |
Surveying of Iranian Model of Desertification Potential Assessment (14614 Views) |
Estimating Recreational Carrying Capacity of Gheisary Protected Area in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari Province (14532 Views) |
Determination of the Sites with Conservation Priority in Research Forests of Yasouj University Based on Physiographic Factors (14381 Views) |
Spatial Pattern Determination of Biodiversity Threats at Landscape Level (Case Study: Golestan Province) (14291 Views) |
Predicting the Spatial Growth and Urban Sprawl in Sari, Iran Using Markov Cellular Automata Model and Shannon Entropy (13473 Views) |
Agrobiodiversity of Vegetable Crops in Agroecosystems in Iran (13461 Views) |
Applying Circuitscape Theory to Identify Migration Corridors Between Mooteh and Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuges in Isfahan Province-Iran (12968 Views) |
Studing the Acclimation of Bromus Tomentellus in Esfahan Province (12944 Views) |
Effects of Substrate Type on Benthic Diatom Assemblages of a Masooleh Rud River – Guilan (12877 Views) |
Investigating the Effects of Hanna Dam Construction on Long-Term Land Use/ Cover Changes (12845 Views) |
Abundance Estimation and Habitat associations of Persian wild ass in Qatruyieh National Park (12829 Views) |
Predicting the Distribution of Asiatic Cheetah, Persian Leopard and Brown Bear in Response to EnvironmentalFactors in Isfahan Province (12662 Views) |
Comparison of Fuzzy AHP Buckley and ANP Models in Forestry Capability Evaluation (Case Study: Behbahan City Fringe) (12636 Views) |
Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the Central Part of Isfahan (Iran) Using Landscape Metrics (12595 Views) |
Comparison of Geostatistical Methods to Determine the Best Bioclimatic Data Interpolation Method for Modelling Species Distribution in Central Iran (12421 Views) |
Distribution, Abundance and Biodiversity of Phytoplankton from Hanna Dam Lake, Isfahan, Iran (12339 Views) |
Quantifying Landscape Spatial Pattern Changes in the Caucasian Black Grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) Habitat in Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve (12086 Views) |
Residents' Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) for Preservation of Valasht Lake of Chalous City by Using One-and-One-Half-Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method (12049 Views) |
Modeling of Iranian Cheetah Habitat using Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (Case Study: Dare Anjir Wildlife Refuge) (11864 Views) |
Optimum Size of Range Management Units for Sustainable Utilization of the River Basin Rangeland in Margha, Izeh (11792 Views) |
Relationship Between Plant Biodiversity and Topographical Factors in Forests of West Mazandaran (Case study: Research forest of Tarbiat Modares University) (11724 Views) |
Potential Habitat Modelling of Ferula ovina Using Artificial Neural Network in Fereydunshahr Region, Isfahan Province (11678 Views) |
Variation of Soil Organic Carbon Pool Weight Associated with Plant Biodiversity (Case Study: Mixed-Beech Forests of Glandrood in Nour) (11668 Views) |
Effects of Different Grazing Management Methods on Plant Species Diversity and Richness in the Steppe Rangeland of Saveh, Iran (11644 Views) |
Effects of Some Ecological Factors on Seed and Germination Characteristics of Cupressus Sempervirens L. Var. Horizontalis: A Case Study in Tange Soulak Forest Reserve, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran (11617 Views) |
Network Analysis and Key Actors Toward Wildlife Management (Case Study: Habitat of Caucasian Black Grouse, Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve) (11561 Views) |
Assessment of Vegetation Density and Soil Macrofauna Relationship in Riparian Forest of Karkhe River for the Determination of Rivers Buffer Zone (11533 Views) |
Effects of Physicochemical Properties of Water on Distribution of Coral Reefs in Kish Island, Iran (11527 Views) |
Non-point Source Pollution Modeling Using Geographic Information System (GIS) for Representing Best Management Practices (BMP) in the Gorganrood Watershed (11389 Views) |
Use of the Geographic Information System and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Najafabad, Iran (11323 Views) |
Total Sum: 2558583 |