The Baluchistan Black Bear (BBB), a critically endangered subspecies (CR), is distributed in the southeastern Iran. Modelling of landscape connectivity of the BBBs among habitat patches can be insightful for the conservation managers working in Iran. Our study was designed to identify the potential corridors among 31 habitat patches of the BBBs in Iran using the circuit theory method. Habitat suitability map was generated in MaxEnt using 101 presence points and nine environmental variables, which were later inversed and used in corridor modeling. By using the circuit theory method, areas of high migration density were compared with four clusters determined in a previous study based on the least-cost model. Three main clusters with the high migration density of BBB were detected. Moreover, we identified eight insular habitat patches of the species that required urgent management actions to connect with other patches in the southeastern Iran. Circuit theory method clearly confirmed the main clusters introduced for the conservation of the BBBs in the southeastern Iran. Results of this study could be, therefore, used as a suitable pattern for the conservation priorities of BBBs habitats in this part of Iran.